Churches which still retain west gallery
features or connections |
Castletown, St Mary
By Thomas Brine, 1832. The high
pews, galleries, wall tablets, high pulpit and liturgical
arrangements here make this a pre-Tractarian church. (CEPC)
Now converted to offices. However there is evidence that
west gallery music was performed here. (Fenella
Bazin 2002)
"From the same minutes it appears that some time
prior to this [1787], the Chapel in Castle Rushen had ceased
to be used for Divine service, and that in the Chapel of S.
Mary the gallery was and always had been occupied by the
resident Governor, and that it was always to remain and to
be continued to His Majesty and His heirs, to and for the
use of the present and succeeding Governor or
Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle, and that it was settled
that the Governor was to pay one third. of the expenses and
the proprietors of the pews two thirds".
[See notes by Frances Coakley at
being a transcription of the Vestry Minute Bookof St Mary's
Castletown originally printed in Manx Church Magazine
vol 2 pp xcii et seq] ]
Douglas, St George
SC379755. 1761-80. By a local builder who was sent to
Whitehaven to copy the church there. The interior was much restored in 1910
when the upper galleries were removed and the church extended.
Presumably the lower galleries remain
Probably never a home for west gallery music, as it was built as a
‘gentry’ church and an organ (bought from Fishamble
Street, Dublin) was installed in the church for its opening.
Subsequent newspaper correspondence was critical of the
standard of congregational singing.
Kirk Braddan, Old
Church, St
Brannan |
The mother church of Douglas . . . The churchyard
is full of Georgian headstones and dominated by an obelisk designed by Steuart
to Lord Henry Murray. Tower 1773. Interior high pews, galleries, clear glass
and monuments on walls. (CEPC)
Now on the outskirts of Douglas, it was retained when a
new church was consecrated nearby in 1876. The Vestry
Minutes record that it had been decided that the old church
should remain as it was, as it was ‘a picturesque object,
and has long been a favourite of visitors’. Box pews, a
triple-decker pulpit and a fine west gallery survive,
cherished by the Friends of Old Kirk Braddan.
There are also substantial records of music-making,
notably the manuscript belonging to John Sayle, dated 1837,
a date that coincides with the dedication of an organ built
and played by Isaac Dale, who also compiled a book of hymns.
The life of the organ was, however, short lived and it has
not been replaced. It is a splendid church to sing in.

Kirk Malew, St Lupus, or Lua
What all the old Manx churches were like before
Victorian restoration; outside a white-washed rectangle in fields; inside
box-pews and Georgian fittings. North transept 18th C.(CEPC)
Lezayre, Kirk Christ or Holy
Trinity, or more accurately, Kirk Christ Lezayre
By John Welch, 1835; an attempt in local stone to
look like a spired country church of the English midlands; contemporary
woodwork inside. (CEPC)
The church replaced an earlier, simpler building that had
fallen into decay, in spite of being in the neighbourhood of
one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the
Island. There is a good record of the lives and abilities of
the parish clerks, who were required to have good singing
voices in order to raise the hymns. The old building is said
to have had a gallery though whether this was used for
musicians is questioned.
(Kirk) Malew, St
Lupus, or Lua |
What all the old Manx churches were like before
Victorian restoration; outside a white-washed rectangle in
fields; inside box-pews and Georgian fittings. North transept
18th century.[JB] |
Marown, St Runius |
A tiny church in the hills. The
blocked-up entrance to the now demolished gallery is clearly
visible above the west door |
Maughold, dedication not known |
An obvious candidate for west
gallery music, as it is an important ancient site. So far,
no records have emerged although Miss F M C Kermode, whose
father was Vicar there at the beginning of the 20th
century, remembers him talking about ‘the singers in the
gallery’. There is in the Manx Museum a book of anthems
from the Church Times which is said to have been used
by the choir at Maughold. |
Ramsey, St Paul |
SC454943. 1822 Classic with galleries; architect unknown.
(CEPC) A fine church in which instrumentalists played right up
to the end of the nineteenth century. Unfortunately no
manuscripts have surfaced.
The west gallery was erected in 1830, mainly for these
musicians and
In 1827 a declaration was signed by the Chaplain and
Wardens that certain pews indicated by a plan were to
continue free for the use and benefit of the poor.
Three years later [in 1830] a gallery was erected at the
west end, for the accommodation of the children, a grant of
£45 towards the expenses being made by Bishop Ward. This
was also used by the musicians. The side-wings with
galleries were added in 1844.
The duties of the Clerk were among other things to
"raise the tune," and also to sing psalms at
funerals as the procession made its way to the Church.
Sundry people however were from time to time paid for
"conducting the choir." In 1845, £4 16s 3d was
paid for a Clarionet. Mr Killip, Clerk, played the
Bass-fiddle, and Mr John Boyde, whose son was afterwards in
the choir, played the Serpent. This instrument is now in the
possession of Mr G. W. Kewin, the Surveyor, who kindly lent
it to be photographed. [PLATE IV. ] An Organ was put in by
Foster and Andrews in 1852, and the place of the choir and
organ was in the gallery above-mentioned till 1874
[From Churches
of South Ramsey,1923. See
Rushen, Holy Trinity, generally
referred to as Kirk Christ |
Francis Roads has
been studying some of the extensive collection of manuscript
west gallery material that was sung here. |
Churches which are known to have had west
gallery features or connections |
Ballough Old Church, St Mary
A tiny, rectangular church that
was replaced when the new church was built some two miles to
the south. The old church had gone through many changes and
its present form is only half the size that it had been in
the 18th century. The blocked-up entrance to the
now demolished west gallery can still be seen over the west
porch. One of the west gallery musicians took over playing
the organ when the new church was dedicated. |
Ballure, Dedication ? |
A friend who is
interested in music tells me that he remembers reading in a
musical paper some years ago that Dr. Miller, organist of
York Minster, composed some tunes which were not at first
published but put into "barrel-organs," and the
first of these was sold to Ramsey Church, Isle of Man.
Perhaps therefore the tune ‘ ‘Rockingham’ ‘ was
first sung in Ballure Church.
The following extract is quoted from "The
Choir" of the present month:— "In 1786 Miller
took his degree of Mus.D. at Cambridge, and four years later
he issued his Psalms of David, which had an immediate
success, and nearly five thousand subscribers, from George
the Third downwards, gave in their names, whilst the King
also forwarded Miller a present of £25 in token of
appreciation of his work. In the year following its
publication, nearly one hundred and thirty Churches adopted
Miller’s Psalms, and in the Isle of Man, upon the
Bishop’s recommendation,
"the inferior clergy and the inhabitants of the
parish of Ramsey entered into a subscription for a large
Psalmodic or Barrel-organ, to be erected in their Church,
to perform all the tunes in Dr. Miller’s Selection with
additional interludes and voluntaries of his adoption
[From Churches
of South Ramsey,1923. See
] |
Most of the pre-19th-century
churches in the Isle of Man are known to have had west
galleries though it is not always certain that they were
used to house the musicians. There is some evidence that
instrumentalists might have played from the front of the
church, as was often the practice in Methodist churches and
chapels. Singing masters such as the Cumbrian Master
Shepherd were active in the island in the 18the and 19th
centuries and John Wesley commented favourably on the
standard of singing he heard from congregations.
It was the Methodists – Wesleyan and
Primitive – who carried on the wg music tradition when it
began to decline in the parish churches. Most of the town
churches built by the Methodists have fine galleries but
these tended to be congregational. Choirs were usually
placed at the east end of the church. Country churches
tended to be much smaller. Singing was (and in many cases,
still is) hearty. There is some indication that in many
cases instrumentalists were placed at the foot of the
pulpit. |
Chapels which either have, or are known to have had, west
gallery features or connections
Asterisks denote
churches in preparation