following people have very kindly made available photographs and other material
for this web site, for which grateful thanks.
If you wish to make use of
their material, please contact them direct where there is a stated email link,
or contact the Webmasters if messages are to be forwarded. Because of the
problem of spamming, email links may not be shown in full. If this is the case,
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Please read the important copyright notice on our
Home page |
The main logo used for this site is a copy of a picture labelled
"silvestri", which came into our possession a long time ago, and for which we
cannot make an appropriate acknowledgement because we do not know the
artist. If you know who drew the original, or indeed are the artist
yourself, please get in touch with us.

Update on this - |
Title: Piazza Silvestri Roma
Year: 1998
Medium: Mixed Media-Pen & Ink w/ Art Markers
Size: 10"X 7"
Artist: Barry Lieberman
![lieberman400[1].jpg (86233 bytes)](images/Pictures/lieberman4001_small.jpg)
Link to his


site has been constructed by, and remains the copyright of,
its authors,
Edwin and Sheila Macadam,
Shelwin, 30, Eynsham Road, Botley,
Oxford OX2 9BP
July 2001 -