The brick west tower dates from 1669, and replaces its predecessor that was destroyed by fire in 1636. It is built of brick laid in Flemish Bond. The buttresses reach only to the ringing chamber floor level. Viewed from the south, it will be seen that there is no south porch. The nave south windows are Perpendicular, while those of the chancel probably date from c.1800 and have the popular intersecting tracery of the time. The clock on the south face of the tower is by Morris of Swaffham, and was given by the rector Rev Peter Smyth in 1750.
There are also 32 ledger stones laid throughout the flooring of the church and a previous rector in 1909 kindly produced a sketch of their location and details, the plan now hangs on the north wall of the nave at the rear of the north aisle.
C14th Litcham Coffer, and one of only five oak chests in this country of Flemish craftsmanship. It is beautifully carved in the Decorated period. Behind it stands a stall with a pair of carved misericord seats, unfortunately the faces have been defaced. It probably dates from the time of the 1412 church restoration.
The interior looking west from the chancel arch shows the westernmost pillar of the south aisle is octagonal, and rests on a square base of stone. Unlike the rest of the pillars in the arcades that have a different shape. Also noticeable is the fact that the arch does not sit centrally on the pillar. The west window (partly hidden by the organ) dates from c.1307-1327. The west gallery dates from 1853 and is partly made from cast iron.
No details of the organ available.
The chancel screen with eight paintings of male Saints to the south side and eight female saints on the north side, plus six panels with badly defaced images on the screen doors, are dated from 1436. Those shown here l. to r. are from the south side: Panels 19. St Walstan of Bawburgh, with a scythe: 20. St Hubert, with a stag & crucifix: 21. St William of Norwich, with a flaying knife: 22. St Louis of France, with 3 thorns.


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its authors,
Edwin and Sheila Macadam,
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Oxford OX2 9BP
July 2001 -