St Margaret of Antioch

Please visit for futher information and pictures, especially the romanesque font.

St Margaret's has a clerestoreyed and aisled nave with five-bay arcades and a wooden W gallery housing the organ. The arcades are largely 14thc., but the reused E respond and bays 4 and 5 of the S arcade are 13thc. with stiff-leaf capitals. The S doorway is under a porch. The chancel is 14thc., and has a N vestry at the E end. The W tower dates from c.1300, and has a broach spire with three rows of lucarnes. The church is largely faced in ashlar, the chancel and clerestorey in a warm yellow stone, the tower in red ironstone. The aisles are rubble faced. The church was restored by R. C. Hussey in 1840.

[Information from  The Corpus of ROMANESQUE SCULPTURE in Britain and Ireland ]

Organ by Thomas Elliot, London, 1819, for St. James Chapel Royal, London, installed 1841 in west gallery (N17898), moved to Milverton (Leamington) in 1837 (see D01977), when "addition of Pedal Pipes and other improvements" is noted by "A.B.C.," in Musical World vol. 4, 1837; moved here; an inscription says: "John Clarke, a native of this parish, desirous to promote the due performance of that part of Divine Service which celebrates the praises of Almighty God, Presented this organ for the use of the Parish Church. - Crick, Oct 14th, 1841." 

This was at the same time as the church was "restored", and presumably at this time the old quire was disbanded. It is not known, however, whether this gallery was installed simply for the organ to be erected thereon.

Mr Clarke, who was blind, used himself to play the organ, and he provided for an endowment to pay his successor. The case retains the Royal Arms; the unusual round towers at the front corners were probably added when the organ left the Chapel Royal. The G compass was still to be seen in 1924, and I fancy also 20 years later.) ( BBE). (Restored shortly after BBE's visit in 1974). 

 [Notes taken from The National Pipe Organ Register

The Church


Dove's reference for the bells:

Crick, Nhants, S Margaret, 8, 11-0-19 in F#.
Map reference  :  SP588725

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