St Mary's comes as a great surprise since it is
that rarity, an unrestored red-bricked Georgian church built
between 1768-71.
The pathway from the road to the church with its
dominating embattled tower, is 100 yards long and made up of old
tombstones which lie like stepping stones in the grass. Inside
there is a marvellous sense of light enhanced by the barrel
ceiling of the nave painted an attractive light blue. All the
windows are of plain glass, apart from a small Crucifixion scene
in the East window with four roundels alongside depicting Wheat
(the Bread of Life), a Rose, Grapes and a Lily. The blue reredos
behind the altar has the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and the Ten
Commandments written on it in gold lettering.

A great three decker pulpit capped by a carved
dove dominates the nave. It is made of Spanish mahogany taken from
an Armada galleon captured by the Duke of Effingham. The rest of
the nave is filled by high boxed pews, each with seats on four
sides facing the middle. The largest, with padded cushions and
carved interior, was reserved for the Manor House. It even has its
own wall pegs for hanging wigs on. At the west end the marble font
is of unusual vase shape. Above it is a musician's gallery, with
two rows of seats for the musicians and a barrel organ dating from
1830. Hanging from the gallery are the Arms of King George III
dated 1771
This information and
pictures come from the pages written by John Symonds for the
Waterlooville's On-Line Parish Magazine. Link here.