As you will appreciate, there are many ways in which this web site could provide information, and there are many peripheral subjects which could be added as time progresses. Initially, details of the churches, together with good pictures and a brief history - especially as it relates to anything (ecclesiastical, musical or social) of the west gallery period - are required.  The site will evolve as additional material comes along. There are many ways in which this could happen.

If you have pictures which could be added, they need to be in a form which is easily reproducible.  Large pictures take up a large amount of valuable (and therefore expensive) disk space, and are not easily sent by E-mail.  However, they can be reduced in size using one of the many picture publishing software packages, or they can be sent on a floppy disk, and we can reduce them.  We can scan in photographs (old and new), and in time we hope also to be able to convert slides into computer files. This is an almost immediate requirement!

In order that we may contact you, please will you provide - where relevant - the following  information:

Street Address
Address (cont.)
Post/Zip Code
Home Phone
E-mail This is vital if you want a reply!  

If you can help in providing additional information and/or pictures for this web site, please enter details in the space provided below. In particular please include a reference to a page on the web site, and where appropriate, the source of the information to include in the Bibliography.  Please also let us know if consent is required to publish this information, or if this has already been obtained. 

Have you any comments on the site generally?

It is said that some people's browsers will not support the use of frames. Do you have any problems in using the site and the site navigation system as it is presently set up?

Thank you for taking the time to complete and submit this form.  Confirmation of the details you sent should appear on the next page following pressing the "Submit Form" button below.


Revised: August 26, 2011